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Peconic Pathfinders | Run-Walk-Hike | Paumanok Path
Public group on Facebook 3.5K members
Island Running (Peconic Pathfinders) is for all runners, walkers and hikers, Island Wide! Manhattan to Montauk. Manhattan is an island too. And TriState!
And not just runners, We are starting new groups for walking, hiking, running and hiking! and add biking to that with the Riverhead Recreational Athletic Club.
Volunteers Needed
Island Running is working on many races, and we are looking to form some committee's to help us with our different projects. We are forming Peconic Trails committee to help us with this and trail projects. We are working with Riverhead Parks and Recreation to form the Riverhead Athlete Club for walkers, runners, hikers and bikers.
Island Running is also active on our trails. Runners and Hikers are invited to join the club and serve on a trails committee. We currently work and hike the Paumanok Path, the Vietnam Veterans Path in Calverton and we are working on connector trails in the Riverhead and Brookhaven areas.
We need help with managing our races. We need volunteers to help at races. Registration, water stops, course set up and other management volunteers are needed.. We can only do this with your help. Sign up for our Race Volunteers Committee.
We need help with Trail Management. February we start blazing new trails and maintaining existing ones. Sign up
Running, Hiking and Biking
Long Island's Roads and Trails.
Island Running officially becomes Peconic Pathfinders in 2020:
Peconic Trails
Island Running officially becomes Peconic Pathfinders in 2020:
Originally, the East End Road and Trail Runners Club was formed in 1994. Became Island Running in 2014. Now in 2020, while continuing to expand, we are also becoming more central and getting back to the trails as Peconic Pathfinders: Creating and maintaining sustainable paths and trails for safe, off road use, for transportation, health and fitness while addressing environmental concerns and safe access to our public lands. Creating fundraising events and networking with other organizations sympathetic to our goals. Visit our Facebook Group:
As in the past, we will continue to be a member of the Road Runners Club of America and we will continue to organize races and group runs, walks and hikes in the Long Island, Tri State area.
We are working with the Riverhead Recreational Athletic Club in forming programs for beginners and seasoned walkers, runners and bikers at the EPCAL Pedestrian Path in Calverton. Visit our Facebook Page at
Island Running (Peconic Pathfinders) is a road and trail running walking and hiking club serving all of Long Island, NYC and expanding to Tri State. Island Running promotes and encourages running as a competitive sport, and it improves fitness and health by supporting running and jogging and hiking. In furtherance of our purpose, the Club promotes and conducts races, hosts group runs, fun runs, training runs, hikes and programs on the road, track and trail and hosts running events, education lectures about topics of interest for runners and hikers, provides awards for club members, hosts social events for members, and all such other things as may be conducive to the encouragement of running, walking and hiking. The Club also engages in community activities, to publicize by appropriate means, the benefits of running, walking and hiking as a means of physical fitness to improve the health status of people in our community as well as the health of our environment in which we live. Advertisements and Sponsorship's on are handled by the LIRunning TriState Network. ( The network serves the running community on Long Island and encourages all to run, join and support all running clubs, stores, races and groups. Join as a sponsored Member to place your ad. Then e mail us and we will develop your ad.
Join us as we Trot across the Island to Manhattan and the Bronx at Van Cortlandt Park and our Tri State Group: Thank you for supporting Peconic Pathfinders, and Riverhead Recreational Athletes Running, Walking and Hiking and Biking.
Race directors need to join our network before they can post to this group. Advertisers/Sponsors: we can link you up with our events.